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"You don't feel good in your body. You're overweight, I can help you from France with my PREMIUM program"

Nicolas MARS

I'm going to work during 6 months with you to restore your old self-image. 

Weekly One-on-One VIDEO CALL with me


I select only 2 news patients by months. It is a personalised approach. I'll be dedicated.

"I'll introduce you to new healthy habits without STARVATION. Get you moving again gradually without pain, with a sustainable WEIGHT LOSS of around 10% of your body weight after 4 months. The way your loved ones look at you will change. 

Who am I? 
Father of a 3-year-old child. I've been a healthcare professional for 10 years in the south of France. Physiotherapist and nutritionist, I'm passionate about the human body. I have created a clinic of my own that is also home to 12 other therapists. I will offer you a French approach to help you feel more comfortable in your own skin.

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